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Preview the PLA 2026 Proposal Form

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Presenter Information


*First Name 

*Last Name 





*Cell Phone 

*Organization Name 

*Street Address 



*Zip/Postal Code 



*Do you work in a library?  Yes/No


*Are you a member of ALA or PLA?  Yes/No
If no, please indicate what, if any funding you require (subject to PLA approval) 


Please indicate what, if any, funding you require (select all that apply, subject to PLA approval)  
See for PLA policy 

  • None 

  • Registration fee waiver 

  • Travel expenses 

  • Lodging expenses 

  • Honorarium 


*Bio (75 words or less) 
Please provide brief biographical information 


*What is your race? Please select all that apply. 

  • Hispanic or Latino or Spanish Origin of any race 

  • American Indian or Alaskan Native 

  • Asian 

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 

  • Black or African American 

  • White 

  • Two or more races 


Diversity statement (75 words or less) 
PLA seeks proposals and speakers representing a wide range of diversity, with a commitment to representation of groups that have been historically marginalized or excluded due to race, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, economic background, geography, and age. Are there any identities you hold that may contribute to fuller representation of diverse groups and points of view at this conference? 


*What is your previous experience in presenting educational programs? Please select all that apply. 

  • National or international conference: PLA, ALA, or similar 

  • State conference 

  • Regional or local library programs 

  • Other in-person training 

  • Virtual training: webinar, online course, or similar 


Photo (300x300 / Recommended square image dimensions)  


Assistant (if applicable): Please add contact information for an assistant who should be copied on communications 

First Name 

Last Name 




Click Save to continue

Program Information

*In-Person vs. Virtual: Please select whether you will present this session virtually or in person at the PLA 2026 Conference. 

  • In-person program 

  • Virtual program 


*Learning Format: Please identify the learning format that best fits your proposed session. 

  • Case Study: 1 hour, maximum of 4 speakers (content focuses on a single library experience and offers ideas for scaling, speakers present roughly 40 minutes of content, 10–15 minutes for Q&A), available for In-person and Virtual programs

  • Deep Dive: 2 hours, maximum of 5 speakers (in-depth coverage of identified topic, minimum of 20 minutes for Q&A), available for In-person programs only

  • Panel: 1 hour, maximum of 4 speakers (content reflects multiple library perspectives, speakers present roughly 40 minutes of content, 10–15 minutes for Q&A), available for In-person and Virtual programs

  • Peer Sharing: 1 hour, maximum of 4 speakers (structured discussion on identified topic, speakers present roughly 10–15 minutes to frame a topic, 40+ minutes for Q&A/discussion), available for In-person programs only


*Title: In 10 words or fewer, please provide a title for your proposed program. The best session titles are clear, succinct, and describe exactly what will be covered in the program. 


*Description: In 75 words or fewer, please provide a concise description of your proposed program. If accepted, this will appear in the final program listing on the official Conference website, so make it lively, informative, and interesting (it may be edited for publication, if necessary). Speakers will be listed separately; they should not be listed in the session description. Additional information/explanation about your proposal can be entered in the Notes/Comments box at the bottom of this screen. Your proposal will be evaluated on the detail and clarity of its description.


*Learning Outcomes: Please identify three (3) learning outcomes for your program. Learning outcomes should use active verbs, be measurable, and state what the participants should know or be able to do after attending your session. Learning outcomes should not simply repeat topics that will be addressed or activities that will take place during the session. Phrase each learning outcome as a completion of this sentence: “At the end of this session, participants will be able to…” Your proposal will be evaluated on the clarity and specificity of its learning outcomes.

  • Learning Outcome 1:  

  • Learning Outcome 2:  

  • Learning Outcome 3:  


*Primary Topic: Please select at least one and up to two primary topics that best describe the main focus of your session from the list provided. (These do not necessarily reflect the final list of topics that will be used at the conference.) 

  • Advocacy, Fundraising, and Communications 

  • Collections and Tech Services 

  • Community Engagement and Partnerships 

  • Intellectual Freedom 

  • Leadership 

  • Serving Adults 

  • Serving Teens/Young Adults 

  • Serving Youth 

  • Spaces, Places, and Security 

  • Staff Management, Recruitment, and Retention 

  • Technology 


Is this proposal being submitted on behalf of, or with the support of, a PLA committee or other ALA unit? 


If applicable, please indicate the PLA committee or ALA unit sponsoring this proposal. 


Notes/Comments: Please enter any additional comments here 


* indicates required fields 

Additional Presenters

Search Co-Presenter to find a user profile, or Add Co-Presenter and complete the required fields (same as Presenter Information above) 


Click Save Draft to continue 


To submit your proposal, click Next and then Submit for Review 


Only proposals submitted for review by the deadline of May 5, 2025, at 11:59 PM Eastern, will be considered 

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